Interface Modules
The HiPi::Interface modules provide high level interfaces for specific devices connected to your Raspberry Pi via the device tree or in some cases using bcm2835 peripherals directly.
Generally a HiPi::Interface module will use one of the HiPi::Device modules as a back end.
If you have a component for which there is no HiPi::Interface module you can use the appropriate HiPi:Device::* module directly.
It would be great if you wrapped your resulting code in a HiPi::Interface::* module and contributed the result to this distribution or directly to CPAN yourself.
The following HiPi::Interface modules are provided.
- HiPi::Interface ( base class for all HiPi::Interface modules )
- HiPi::Interface::BME280
- HiPi::Interface::DS18X20
- HiPi::Interface::EntergenieSwitch
- HiPi::Interface::EPaper
- HiPi::Interface::HobbyTronicsADC
- HiPi::Interface::HobbyTronicsBackpackV2
- HiPi::Interface::HopeRF69
- HiPi::Interface::IS31FL3730
- HiPi::Interface::LCDBackpackPCF8574
- HiPi::Interface::MAX7219
- HiPi::Interface::MAX7219LEDStrip
- HiPi::Interface::MCP23017
- HiPi::Interface::MCP23S17
- HiPi::Interface::MCP3ADC
- HiPi::Interface::MCP4DAC
- HiPi::Interface::MFRC522
- HiPi::Interface::MicroDotPHAT
- HiPi::Interface::MonoOLED
- HiPi::Interface::MPL3115A2
- HiPi::Interface::MS5611
- HiPi::Interface::PCA9544
- HiPi::Interface::PCA9685
- HiPi::Interface::PCF8574
- HiPi::Interface::Seesaw
- HiPi::Interface::SerLCD
- HiPi::Interface::TMP102
- HiPi::Interface::ZeroSeg