I2C with HiPi::BCM2835::I2C
Part of the HiPi::BCM2835 distribution.
Class Methods
Returns the current baudrate of the BSC peripheral in $channel. $channel can be one of BB_I2C_PERI_0 or BB_I2C_PERI_1. On all Raspberry Pi models other than Model B Revsion 1 boards, BB_I2C_PERI_1 is broken out on Raspberry Pins 3 and 5. For Model B Revsion 1 boards alone, BB_I2C_PERI_0 is broken out on these pins. Please note that the object method $obj->get_baudrate returns the baudrate that will be used in transfers using that particular instance of HiPi::BCM2835::I2C. You may be able to apply different bus speeds to different devices using individual instance settings.
HiPi::BCM2835::I2C->set_baudrate( $baudrate, $channel );
Sets the baudrate of the BSC peripheral in $channel. $channel can be one of BB_I2C_PERI_0 or BB_I2C_PERI_1. On all Raspberry Pi models other than Model B Revsion 1 boards, BB_I2C_PERI_1 is broken out on Raspberry Pins 3 and 5. For Model B Revsion 1 boards alone, BB_I2C_PERI_0 is broken out on these pins. Common values for baudrate are: 3816 - the minimum supported 100000 - the i2c standard 400000 - fast i2c standard 1000000 - seems to be the fastest reliable speed that this implementation supports. Of course, all the devices on your bus must support this too. 32000 - the Broadcom I2C peripherals don't support clock stretching so if you have a device that employs this, a baudrate of 32000 ( or perhaps even lower ) will often allow the device to work. Please note that the object method $obj->set_baudrate($newrate) sets the baudrate that will be used in transfers using that particular instance of HiPi::BCM2835::I2C. You may be able to apply different bus speeds to different devices using individual instance settings.
Exported Constants
Object Constructor and Methods
my $dev = HiPi::BCM2835::I2C->new( address => $devaddress );
$devaddress address of the device ( e.g. 0x20 ) on the default perpheral. The default perpheral is determined according to your Pi board revision. Model B revision 1 = BB_I2C_PERI_0 All other boards = BB_I2C_PERI_1 Returns a new instance of the HiPi::BCM2835::I2C class. You can specify which i2c channel to use in the constructor if you wish using the key 'peripheral'. my $dev = HiPi::BCM2835::I2C->new( peripheral => BB_I2C_PERI_1, address => 0x28 ); For interface modules that use I2C, you may specify backend => 'bcm2835' in the constructor to use this module as a backend. HiPi::BCM2835::I2C supports 3 different read modes: use HiPi::Constant qw( :i2c_readmode ); # default my $dev = HiPi::BCM2835::I2C->new( address => 0x28, readmode => I2C_READMODE_SYSTEM, ); The default and 2 other options: I2C_READMODE_START_STOP I2C_READMODE_REPEATED_START are discussed in I2C Repeated Start
Returns the baudrate that will be used in transfers using this particular instance of HiPi::BCM2835::I2C. You may be able to apply different bus speeds to different devices using individual instance settings.
$dev->set_baudrate( $baudrate );
Sets the baudrate that will be used in transfers using this particular instance of HiPi::BCM2835::I2C. You may be able to apply different bus speeds to different devices using individual instance settings for baudrate. Common values for baudrate are: 3816 - the minimum supported 100000 - the i2c standard 400000 - fast i2c standard 1000000 - seems to be the fastest reliable speed that this implementation supports. Of course, all the devices on your bus must support this too. 32000 - the Broadcom I2C peripherals don't support clock stretching so if you have a device that employs this, a baudrate of 32000 ( or perhaps even lower ) will often allow the device to work.
Busmode Methods
HiPi::BCM2835::I2C provides wrappers for its i2c calls. Note that HiPi::Device::I2C also supports these methods so you may write code that works with backends i2c, smbus and bcm2835.
The bus methods implement support for the readmode settings ( I2C_READMODE_SYSTEM, I2C_READMODE_START_STOP, I2C_READMODE_REPEATED_START ). Specifically the method bus_read
has its behaviour altered by the readmode constants.
See : I2C Repeated Start
$dev->bus_write( @params );
The module provides the method bus_write as a generic call to the current backend. @params is a list of bytes to write to the currently addressed device.
$dev->bus_write_error( @params );
The module provides the method bus_write_error as a generic call to the current backend. @params is a list of bytes to write to the currently addressed device. The bus_write_error method is error tolerant and is generally used when an external device has a soft reset or reboot call that exits the i2c conversation when 'reset' is set. The standard i2c_write command will return an error in this case as the slave did not acknowledge the reset byte.
$dev->bus_read( $cmdval, $numbytes );
The module provides the method bus_read as a generic call to the current backend. $cmdval is the value ( normally a register address on the slave) that you wish to read from. $numbytes is the number of bytes you wish to read. Returns an array of bytes $numbytes long.
$dev->bus_read_bits( $cmdval, $numbytes );
The module provides the method bus_read_bits as a generic call to the current backend. Returns an array of bits 8 * $numbytes long from the register in $cmdval. If a single byte is read that has the value 0b01001100 then the bits in the array will have the values: $return[7] == 0 $return[6] == 1 $return[5] == 0 $return[4] == 0 $return[3] == 1 $return[2] == 1 $return[1] == 0 $return[0] == 0 Usage: my @bits = $dev->bus_read_bits(0xC1, 1); $bits[3] = 1; dev->bus_write_bits(0xC1, @bits);
$dev->bus_write_bits( $cmdval, @bits );
The module provides the method bus_write_bits as a generic call to the current backend. Writes a number of bytes equal to @bits / 8 to the register in $cmdval. For the array of 8 bits: my @bits = ( 1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1 ) the value 0b10000111 will be written to $cmdval. Usage: my @bits = $dev->bus_read_bits(0xC1, 1); $bits[3] = 1; dev->bus_write_bits(0xC1, @bits);
I2C Methods
$dev->i2c_write( @params );
@params is a list of bytes to write to the slave device. Normally, the first (and perhaps only) item in the list will be a register address on the slave. Use of the busmode wrapper methods is recommended.
$dev->i2c_write_error( @params );
@params is a list of bytes to write to the slave device. Normally, the first (and perhaps only) item in the list will be a register address on the slave. The i2c_write_error method is error tolerant and is generally used when an external device has a soft reset or reboot call that exits the i2c conversation when 'reset' is set. The standard i2c_write command will return an error in this case as the slave did not acknowledge the reset byte.
$dev->i2c_read( $numbytes );
Reads a number of bytes $numbytes read from the current register address in the slave (normally set using a previous write). Returns an array of bytes containing $numbytes items. Use of the busmode wrapper methods is recommended.
$dev->i2c_read_register( $register, $numbytes );
Reads a number of bytes $numbytes read from the register address in $register. Combines the write of the register address with the subsequent read in a single transaction. Returns an array of bytes containing $numbytes items. Use of the busmode wrapper methods is recommended.
$dev->i2c_read_register_rs( $register, $numbytes );
Reads a number of bytes $numbytes read from the register address in $register. Combines the write of the register address with the subsequent read in a single transaction. Returns an array of bytes containing $numbytes items. This method is designed for slaves that require sending a repeated start before a read can commence. It is used in place of i2c_read_register for such devices. HiPi::Interface::MPL3115A2 which provides access to a popular temperature and pressure sensor requires this method.
Timing Methods
$dev->delay( $millis );
$millis Delay in milliseconds Delays for the specified number of milliseconds. Uses nanosleep(), and therefore does not use CPU until the time is up. However, you are at the mercy of nanosleep(). From the manual for nanosleep(): If the interval specified in req is not an exact multiple of the granularity underlying clock (see time(7)), then the interval will be rounded up to the next multiple. Furthermore, after the sleep completes, there may still be a delay before the CPU becomes free to once again execute the calling thread.
$dev->delayMicroseconds( $micros );
$micros Delay in microseconds Delays for the specified number of microseconds. Uses a combination of nanosleep() and a busy wait loop on the BCM2835 system timers, However, you are at the mercy of nanosleep(). From the manual for nanosleep(): If the interval specified in req is not an exact multiple of the granularity underlying clock (see time(7)), then the interval will be rounded up to the next multiple. Furthermore, after the sleep completes, there may still be a delay before the CPU becomes free to once again execute the calling thread. For times less than about 450 microseconds, uses a busy wait on the System Timer. It is reported that a delay of 0 microseconds on RaspberryPi will in fact result in a delay of about 80 microseconds. Your mileage may vary.