Perl Modules for Raspberry Pi
Version 0.92 - released 28 March 2024

Creating Bitmap Fonts for HiPi Graphics Modules

The bitmap fonts included with HiPi have a limited set of characters. If you would like to create your own bitmap fonts with an extended character set for use with HiPi::Interface::MonoOLED or HiPi::Interface::EPaper, you can do so by following these instructions.

Building FontBuilder

I used FontBuilder to create the bitmap descriptions. The JSON exporter required a minor fix so I forked the project here: FontBuilder fork

First we need to install the prerequisites for building FontBuilder on the Pi.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install qtbase5-dev \
                     libfreetype6-dev \
                     gcc \
                     g++ \

Download the source from the FontBuilder fork: https://github.com/markdootson/fontbuilder

Extract it and in the top level directory do:


move to that subdirectory and run FontBuilder

cd bin

You nust have a graphical environment available. If your Pi is headless, use VNC.

Choosing Font Parameters

You need to choose a font that contains the characters you are interested in. Google Fonts has an extensive collection of fonts provided under various Open Source licenses.

The settings I used for the builtin fonts were:

  • Smoothing : No smoothing
  • DPI : 72 for Standard and Extended fonts, 96 for the EPD fonts.
  • Hinting : ForceFreetypeAutohinting

Choosing Characters

Select the characters you want to include. You should always include the space character ( U+0020 ) so that rendering has a fallback 'space between characters' setting.

View the Font Image Preview to check that the characters you have selected are present in and being extracted from the font.

Choosing Layout

To create the builtin fonts I used the settings shown above.

Output Font

For output, you must choose:

  • Image Format : PNG
  • Description Format : JSON

Creating Bitmap Perl Fonts

Now you have 1 or more sets of JSON and PNG file pairs in your output directory.

Assuming you want to call your font modules something like 'MyFont::TheFontName15' and you want the font modules placing in the directory '/home/pi/myproject/lib/MyFont', create a script containing the following code.

use strict;
use warnings;
use HiPi::Utils::OLEDFont;

my $srcfolder = q(/thepath/whereyou/created/png_json_files);
my $tgtfolder = q(/home/pi/myproject/lib/MyFont);

opendir( my $dir, $srcfolder) or die $!; 
my @jsonfiles = grep { /\.json$/ && -f qq($srcfolder/$_) } readdir( $dir );
closedir( $dir );

for my $jsonfile ( @jsonfiles ) {
    my $util = HiPi::Utils::OLEDFont->new(
        output_folder => $tgtfolder,
        input_folder  => $srcfolder,
        json_file     => $jsonfile,
        module_base   => 'MyFont',



You should now have 1 or more font modules in your chosen target folder.

Using the Custom Fonts in Code

You use the fonts in code by passing a reference to an instance of the font rather than the font name to the text methods.

use utf8;   # so we can have literals in code
use strict;
use warnings;
use HiPi qw( :oled );
use HiPi::Interface::MonoOLED;
use lib '/home/pi/myproject/lib';
use MyFont::TheFontName15;

my $oled = HiPi::Interface::MonoOLED->new(
    type => SSD1306_128_X_64_I2C

my $font = MyFont::TheFontName15->new;

$oled->draw_text(0,0, 'Привет мир', $font );

Rotated text using a custom font containing Cyrillic characters